Video upload

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You can find the original article in German here.

When uploading, make sure to use common formats like MP4 and a stable internet connection. After the upload, your video will be converted by us. Therefore, it may take a few minutes until it is available in your member area after the upload.

  • Video compression

    When you create and edit your videos with professional programs, it often leads to a large file size. We therefore recommend that you compress the video beforehand using the free tool "HandBrake". This works without quality loss, saves you a lot of storage space and is super easy:

    1. Download HandBrake here:
    2. Perform the installation instructions
    3. Open HandBrake
    4. Select your desired video via the "Source" button (top left)
    5. Please make the following settings for the videos:
      Constant Quality RF "25"
      Frame Rate 15
    6. Select your destination folder of the new video using the following field: Destination - File
    7. Activate compression by clicking on the green "Start" button in the upper left corner

    Once the video has finished compressing, you will automatically get a message from HandBrake and you can embed it as desired. 

  • Embed videos in Coachy

    You can embed videos in different places in Coachy:

    • as a welcome video in your members area
    • as an intro video to a course chapter
    • as lesson content
    • as a video within a text

    Welcome video to your members area

    Click on the gear in your member area to get to the settings. Now go to the "Home" tab and scroll down to the "Welcome video" item. You can either upload a video directly to us, or embed an existing YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia video using the appropriate ID.

    Note also our tips on video compression.

    Intro video in course chapter

    On the course overview page, click on the gear in the corresponding chapter tile to enter the chapter's settings. Now jump to the "Intro Video" tab. At this point, you can either upload a video directly to us, or embed an existing YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia video using the appropriate ID

    Be sure to also check out our tips on video compression.

    Learn how to add chapters to your course here.

    Video as lesson content

    Create a new lesson or click on the gear of an existing lesson to enter the settings. Now go to the "Video" tab. You can either upload a video directly to us here, or embed an existing YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia video using the appropriate ID. This also works with the ID of videos uploaded to Coachy, as long as you want to use a video multiple times and don't want to duplicate chapters or courses.

    Note also our tips on video compression.

    Learn how to create lessons in this article.

    Include video within text

    In all texts (e.g. description of a course, a chapter etc.) YouTube, Vimeo and Wistia videos can be embedded. The width of the embedded videos is automatically adjusted to the maximum screen width, so that they are also displayed properly on mobile.

    For embedding, placeholders (YouTube / Vimeo / Wistia) can be inserted with the corresponding ID of the video:

  • Video preview

    For videos hosted directly on Coachy, you can upload your own preview or still image. This is advantageous if you are generated an unfavorable still image.

    Preview images of YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia videos you set on the appropriate platform within your account.