
This page was translated into English automatically.
You can find the original article in German here.


Control the availability of your course.

There are several ways to make your course available. To do this, go to your course's settings via the Gear and switch to the Availability tab. You have the option to make the following adjustments:

  • Soon available

    If you select the Available Soon checkbox, users will see a notice that your course will be available soon - even if it is not yet published. They will not be able to click on it or open it, they will just be made curious. If you add an autoresponder under the Available Soon option, prospects can sign up for your email list. This way you can inform them when your course will be published.

  • Show even if not purchased

    Members will not only be shown the courses they have purchased, but by default also those they have not yet purchased (activated checkbox: "Also show if not purchased"). At this point, there are opportunities for you to cross-sell more of your products.

    Select sales page / landing page

    To ensure that the user not only sees the course, but can also click on it and ideally buy it, you can provide a link to the sales page or select an appropriate landing page.

    Show all content and lock only lessons and downloads

    To further increase interest in your course, you can offer users the ability to access your course and view chapters and lessons. This way, they can already browse and get a better impression of the content.

    To do this, select the Show all content and lock lessons and downloads only checkbox. Only when the user tries to play one of your videos, he gets the hint that he has not yet purchased the video course. A button will then lead him to the order form of the product or (if you have stored them) to your selected sales page/landing page.

    Hide description texts (lessons and download categories)

    If needed, you can further restrict the content display by hiding the description texts of the lessons and download categories. To do so, simply select the appropriate checkbox

    Make up to 3 videos public

    If you want to give users a taste of what to expect should they purchase the course, you can make up to three videos public. To do so, simply select the appropriate lessons from the drop-down menu

    Don't forget to save your changes!