Create Freebie / Lead Magnet

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A freebie, or lead magnet, is a free offer from you that has the goal of collecting your prospect's email address to convince them of your paid offers down the road.

Free video series, mini courses, eBooks, and checklists are freebies that are frequently chosen and work well. Note that a freebie should always be customized to your target audience:

  • What is your target audience interested in? 
  • What problems does your target audience have?
  • How does your target audience prefer to consume information? 

Don't create an eBook, for example, just because everyone is doing it. 

On Coachy, you can create your own course for your freebie in the members area and make the files available for download there or upload your videos. This has the advantage that the interested parties in the members area also immediately see that there are other offers from you. If you put their course structure publicly, you arouse so the interest.

  • Do I have to create a Digistore24/CopeCart product for a freebie?

    No, you don't necessarily have to. You can easily select course settings under the tab access as source free access 
    We explain more details about free accesses here.