What are tags?

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Tags are virtual labels that a member of your courses gets attached as a contact in your email program. The advantage of this is that you can segment your target groups in your autoresponder without having to create individual lists. Not only does this allow you to target your customers more effectively, but it also ensures that your customers only receive the emails that are truly relevant to them. Coachy can transfer one tag to your email software per access to a course.

With tags, exciting automations are also possible in advanced email marketing. For example, you can create a reminder email for someone who has opened an email about a special offer but has not purchased it.

The reminder email will be sent to the person who opened it.

From the Enterprise package onwards, advanced tagging is available to you. This allows Coachy to pass a tag to your email provider when your customer has completed a particular lesson or downloaded a file. You can use this to trigger an email send, for example.

Inquire about the Enterprise package here