Approve product

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Before doing so, please make sure you have placed a successful test order.

In order for you to sell your product through Digistore24, Digistore24 must approve it. To do this in Digistore24 go to Account under the Products menu. A list of your created products will appear. In the Approval column you can now click on the Apply for approval link - depending on the market for which you want to obtain approval, this is either the link for the German or the American market. The checklist that appears should make sure that you haven't forgotten anything. So go through it again point by point and tick the checkboxes when you have checked everything. Then you can click on the Apply button - this will submit your product for approval.

It usually takes 1-2 business days for Digistore24 to approve your product. It can also happen that your product is rejected for the time being because you have overlooked or forgotten something. No need to worry - you can of course correct it and apply for approval again.

Since your product will not be approved right away (and it may happen that it will be rejected), you should always allow for a time buffer and keep in mind that you cannot start selling the product right after submission.