Admin management / Employees

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To enable you as a coach to devote yourself entirely to your work, we offer you the option of setting up access to your member area for employees. They then receive certain rights and functions from you and can thus independently take care of your pages, courses and products.

The function is available from the Deluxe package. With the Deluxe package, you can assign up to two employee accesses. With the Enterprise package, you can create unlimited employee accounts.

  • Create employees

    To create an employee, go to your member area via the Gear menu item Account and click on the Employee tab. You can now use the Add new employee button to create a new employee account. The login details will be automatically sent to the email address you entered.

  • Create roles and permissions

    You have the possibility to assign roles and permissions to your employees, so that they don't have all rights like you as admin. The default employee role is "Admin". You can create, name, and describe additional roles yourself without limits.

    Within a role, you set the permissions as you wish. You can flexibly set whether employees with this role are only allowed to view and edit certain courses or course categories, or whether they are also or only allowed to view the members or the statistics, for example.

    At the end of a role, you can still configure additional permissions. These include access to your created landing pages and invoices, changing global settings (app, tracking, design, shortcuts, etc.), and the ability to create your own trainings and create collaborators yourself.