Upsells and downsells

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You can find the original article in German here.

With the automatic 1-click upsells in Coachy, you can increase your revenue per customer. For example, if someone purchases your course, you can offer them more products while they are still in the checkout process and thus

  1. generate additional revenue on top of the initial purchase and
  2. maximize customer value by showing them relevant offers that will help them further

With just one click, the buyer can decide whether he wants to purchase the additional product, or reject. If he declines, you would have, for example, the opportunity to add another downsell (usually a cheaper product as an alternative).


  • Set upsell

    Go to the Access tab in your course settings. In the source overview, select the gear behind Digistore24 and jump to the Upsells subitem. First, you need to create a sales page for your 1-click upsell. Click on the Create your salespage here link to create a sales page. You will be redirected to the landing page builder 2.0 and see your listed sales pages. If you haven't created a sales page yet, you can learn here how to do so.

    Select your corresponding sales page by clicking the Edit button behind it and Start. Now if you scroll down you will find the Destination item. Each of the pages you create in Coachy has a specific destination. In this case, select Digistore24 Order Form - because the goal of this page is to sell a product. You can choose which product you want to sell in the next drop-down menu: your initial product. Now, when you click Save, Coachy will know what the sales page was created for.

    When you go back to the landing page builder, you can now select the page that will be used to sell your upsell. You click Edit again, jump to the Start tab and scroll down to the bottom area where you can set the destination of your page. Again, select Digistore24 Order Form and specify your upsell product in the following step: for example, a 1:1 coaching.

  • Add upsell to course

    To add the upsell to your course, go to your course settings, click on the Access tab and on the Gear behind Digistore24. There you jump to the subitem Upsells. At this point you can click on the button Add Upsell. Now define your first upsell by selecting the corresponding landing page that is linked to your desired upsell. Two new buttons will then appear: Upsell and Downsell.

    Therefor a short example:

    Someone buys your initial course and during the checkout process is offered your upsell product that you just linked (for example, a 1:1 coaching).
    Should the user say yes to this offer, you could suggest him another product by adding a second upsell (click "+Upsell").
    If the user decides against your first upsell product (in this example your 1:1 coaching), you can offer him a downsell instead (e.g. a PDF guide or an eBook - click on "+downsell").

    When you create upsells and downsells, keep in mind that it's not just about increasing your own sales, but also about increasing customer value. The products you offer should generate value for the buyer and be relevant - otherwise a negative image of "selling at any price" will quickly emerge.

    Once you have set your upsell/s/downsell/s, click on "Save Upsells".

    Now when you look at your upsell page, you can see that nothing has changed on your page. What happened in the background? The difference will be visible when the buyer purchases the initial product. To do this, simply place a test order for your initial product (you can find out how this works here). When you make the test payment, you will be redirected to the linked upsell page - during the order process the customer will be offered another product (e.g. your 1:1 coaching).

    Coachy recognizes that the page visitor is in an ongoing order process and displays not only the "Yes, I want that" button, but also the option to click on the "No, I don't want" link (cancel link). If the upsell page had been accessed by a brand new visitor who had not previously purchased the initial product set (for example, your course), the "No, I don't want" link would not be displayed at all.

    Of course, you can also change the text of the cancel link by editing the corresponding landing page. Under the Options tab, you will find the Upsells item at the bottom of the page, where you can enter an alternative text for the link.

    Don't forget to save your changes!